Meet Marcia!

Jackie DuVal
April, 2016

Marcia Biggers is our sales rep for the Richmond, Charlottesville, Williamsburg and Fredericksburg area. After 19 years with our company, it’s pretty safe to assume she loves what she does. Take a few moments to meet Marcia…if you haven’t already, of course!

After joining us in 1997, Marcia has learned many things. One of the biggest lessons she’s learned however, is that her “sales,” position is much more than that. “I don’t really sell shutters. I sell craftsmanship, imagination and warmth.” Marcia says she’s been able to see so many new ideas and creativity in our customers’ homes, that it’s a learning experience in more ways than one. To top it off, she says, “I’m delighted to visit them. It’s such a privilege to be allowed into their homes. Many times over the years, I’ve spent times laughing and even crying with my customers. I love to make that connection with people.”

Marcia has even made friends with many of you. With so many repeat customers, she says, “I just know how I want to feel when I’m investing in my home, and try to take that attitude in other’s homes. Honesty really is my policy. Sometimes that even involves telling a customer that shutters aren’t right for them, or to wait to purchase for various reasons.” This, among many other reasons, is why we hear so often how trustworthy and helpful Marcia is.

Marcia has certainly gotten to know and love the Shenandoah Shutters team, over the years. “I love my work family!” As you can probably imagine, spending almost twenty years with a group of people surely allows for a loving connection. Getting to know each other, and being part of their ups and downs, makes a family, for sure. In fact, Marcia says, “I’ve got both heroes and cheerleaders in that office and wood shop.”

We asked Marcia to share any interesting or funny stories about her time here. The one that stood out the most was a funny story about a misunderstanding. “One morning, I just happened to be the only one in the office. So, when the phone rang, I went to answer it, only to find the caller was very upset. She was calling to tell us she had been waiting and waiting for us to show up that morning, for her shutter instillation. Turns out, she had called the wrong company. I made sure to tell her that had she gone with us, we would have been there, that morning!”

Lastly, Marcia was asked what the one thing she wishes the public knew about Shenandoah Shutters was. Her answer was lovely, and we’re proud to share it; “Even though I’ve told many people this, not everyone knows it. The individuals in our shop and the years of experience they have, is really something. In other words, they’ve all been with us so long. The newest employee in there has been here for 11 years. Where else can you find that? That really speaks volume about our company, if you ask me. It’s such a great family to be a part of!”

If you’ve had anything to do with us in the last 19 years, chances are you’ve worked with Marcia. So many of our customers and repeat customers ask for her by name, and we’re proud to call her part of our team. Be sure to say hi to Marcia next time you get the chance!

If you have questions about our product or company (or just want to say hi to Marcia), give us a call at: 804-355-9300