Dear Customers – A Letter From Marcia

Dear Customers – A Letter From Marcia

Marcia has been a dedicated member of the Shenandoah Shutters team since May of 1997 in the areas of Richmond, Williamsburg, Charlottesville and Fredericksburg. Her wonderful support and spirit has helped to shape both the team and the company day in and day out – in so many positive ways. 

Recently, Marcia has reflected that she too, has been greatly, and positively affected by all of the customers that she has come into contact with over the years; and she wanted to take a moment to share. In the following letter, Marcia has a special message (and a few funny tales) dedicated to all of the customers who have made working at Shenandoah Shutters a joy for her… 

A Letter from Marcia

THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A “GOODBYE”. Though in reading this, you may wonder if that’s what I am doing. It feels good to be grateful. Over the years, you folks have filled my heart. I simply wanted to wear that heart on my sleeve and broadcast as far as I can with my message. 

To my customers and the ones who got away; 

You deserve a most grateful Thank You. You are the heart of my business and my day.

I am thankful to each and every front door opened to allow me into your household. It’s been noted of me in my work life that I am not out selling shutters, I’m out making friends. I walk away from my life for a while behind your door. I can walk in with a heavy heart and you take me to a happy place making my own cares fall away and it’s just your smiling face, your graciousness, warmth and welcome into your day.

We have laughed together, cried together, and complained together, all that binds us as humans doing the best we can. You offer me coffee, a bottle of water, a soft drink. How kind. One day there was a most delicious tomato sandwich fresh from the garden! (Thank you, Dave.)

If at the end of our visit, or a later day, you hand me a check or credit card and a trust, it is accepted most gratefully. In fact, behind me are many others who appreciated that trust as well. The best though is how you receive me, a complete stranger into your safe place, your home. You always make me happy to be there. Thank you.

In your entryway often is the family canine. How many favorite toys have I been presented with when I arrive! Sometimes even years later, and you will never know this, but I may pass your house and think of that family member. 

Thank you to that customer who retrieved my shoes after the family Labrador had stolen them while I stood barefoot in a bathtub measuring a window. Recently a hound brought me his empty food dish. These little funny instances give my workdays a happy soul.

Thank you to all the kitties who have decided to stage a sit-in on my paperwork while I write a quote. You cat people know this happens! Cats can be pretty opinionated and cynical, believing their cuteness deserves ruling the moment!

“We don’t buy things with money. We buy them with hours of our lives.” How true. I did not write that truth, but it did remind me to thank you for your time. And that when our visit ended, you felt you had received the pleasing anticipation of the right solution you sought. That your spent dollars of time was filled with help, that I listened and heard what would make all your expectations realized in the end.

This may be the longest thank you note ever written. Considering I have 23 years of “thank you” to dear people, it doesn’t quite equal all the heartfelt behind it. Sad that most will never see this to know how they made a difference in a life.

I don’t have a “ruler” that measures the depth of my gratefulness, but I can assure you the roots are deep.


Marcia B.